Jeffrey Parker
frameRateZero at

Group Exhibitions

2023 Make-Shift Gallery, Bellingham, WA (curated: Kelly Sorbel)

2022 Carbon, The Vestibule, Seattle, WA (curated: Kascha Snavely)

2022     The Uncanny Valley Show, Make-Shift Gallery, Bellingham, WA

2022 Biome, Sweet Biome, Make-Shift Gallery, Bellingham, WA

2021 Spooky Masks, Make-Shift Gallery, Bellingham, WA

2021 Machines, Make-Shift Gallery (virtual), Bellingham, WA

2020 We Protest, Make-Shift Gallery (virtual), Bellingham, WA (curated: Carrie Cooper)

2020    EXTRA, The Vestibule, Seattle, WA (curated: Kascha Snavely)

2020 Broken Pencil Zine Awards 2020 (virtual), Toronto, CA (juried)

1999 Project Mobilivre (Bookmobile Project), North American tour


Solo Exhibitions

1999 Brand New, POSA Gallery, Pomona College, Claremont, CA


Selected Awards and Commissions

2020 Art Zine Finalist, Broken Pencil Zine Awards 2020, Toronto, CA


Selected Print Media

Tools, Tricks, and Hacks: Exploring Novel Digital Fabrication Workflows on #PlotterTwitter”, Twigg-Smith, Hannah, Jasper Tran O'Leary, and Nadya Peek. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-15. 2021.


frameRateZero (Artist). June 2020. FrameRate(0). Support Life.