Dream Machine 3000
Turning patterns into objects

I created a pattern generator app as part of a 2021 Kid's Art Walk "Machines" kid-artist collaborative show organized by Make.Shift Gallery in Bellingham, WA. The inspired idea is "a medium-sized glowing yellow box with a cylindrical hole in the top. On one side of the box, there are lots of knobs and dials that let you adjust and create your dream to your liking. When you are done creating your dream (or nightmare) you simply toss your pillow into the hole on the top of the box and seal it up. Inside the box, the machine will inject lots of chemicals into your pillow. Three minutes later, Boom! You have your own custom dream inside your pillow. When you go to bed, you will breath in the dream chemicals and experience your dream."

A pattern generator app. Inspired by Leo as part of the 2021 Kid's Art Walk "Machines" show organized by Make.Shift Gallery

Paper or Plastic Dreams?

Found linear low-density polyethylene  (LLDPE) coated laser-jet printed paper, stitched and filled with reused polyester.
8 x 6 x 4 inches

Super Bread

reused plastic encaustic
2021 (6 x 6 x 1")

Cast from the Same Mold No. 1

cast paper on metal-framed wood
2021 (6 x 7-1/2 x 2-1/2")