10 Print

variations on a classic algorithm  

10 PRINT is the title of a book about a one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program:  10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10.  The book is "a lens through which to consider the phenomenon of creative computing and the way computer programs exist in culture." The BASIC program creates a pattern by randomly selecting forward or back slashes over a screen or page (e.g. ///\\/\/\/\/\\\\/\). Here, I use a variety of methods to materialize the binary decisions onto wood and paper.

Seeing Red Mike

Oil pastel on paper with 10 Print scraffito
(based on photograph by Christian Cody)

9 x 12 inches

What Would Sun Ra Do?

Oil pastel on Cedar shingle
(based on photograph by Baron Wolman)
6 x 8 x 1.5 inches

No one ________ anymore

Oil pastel on reclaimed end grain Douglas Fir, nails, and wire.
6 x 6 x 1 inches


Oil pastel on end grain Douglas Fir
18 x 10 x 1.5 inches

Artificial Fruits

AI generated faces as 10 Print fruits
8 x 8 inches

Apple Soft Basic

Oil pastel on end grain Douglas Fir
5 x 6 x 3/4 inches

More Studies and Experiments

frameRate(0) Generative Zine

10 Print themed 100x iterated zine

frameRate(0) Generative Zine

10 Print themed 100x iterated zine